Thursday, February 15, 2007


I never thought I would feel a sense of peace and relief from someone losing their job, but I do. It feels awful to admit that I am glad that someone now has to go job hunting. But that's the way I feel, especially since this termination is about, say, two years overdue.

I used to be very lukewarm about the topic of church members working as the church administrative assistant. No more! It is much too painful and much too hard to end the employment if things aren't working out. No, you have to have someone in there that sees the pastor(s) as the boss with no role confusions.

She has been given more than ample opportunity to improve her behavior, particularly her insubordinate attitude towards the pastors. I didn't realize how worn down I was feeling by it until Tuesday night's Session meeting when we were discussing her termination. When asked my thoughts, I started crying and told them that I hated going to the office because I felt abused. Now it's done and she won't be there the next time I go in.

So, I drink a glass of wine tonight and breathe a sigh of relief that no more will I have to endure in the office:
  • temper tantrums when I want something changed in the worship bulletin,
  • having everything I write for the church newsletter rewritten in the way she thinks it should be,
  • not being able to use the second church phone line because she's on it half the day,
  • having things "lost" or "forgotten" because she didn't want to deal with it,
  • and especially, being treated like I'm a stupid, irresponsible kid.

I truly hope she finds a great job where she can use her considerable skills and where she gets to be the boss. Maybe now I won't get sick to my stomach just thinking about going into the church office.


Magdalene6127 said...

Oh Iris... I'm so sorry for what you've been going through. And so glad for the peace you have now. Blessings, and healing, friend.


net said...

I'm sorry, Iris. Terminating a church employee is not a fun experience - even when you do it in conjuction with the a personnel committee.

I've helped terminated three Admin Asst: (1) A non-member who was busily inviting folks to her church; (2) A member who was not qualified to do the job, but the SPPRC felt "sorry" for her employment prospects. She was let go after she failed to show up for work after the gazzionth time and I had to purchase a new computer keyboard because she spilled Pepsi all over it and then denied it happened. (3) We had a rather surly Admin Assit who used the church's property as if it were her own and the church's credit card for her own personal purchases.

It doesn't get any easier. Sigh. And I wonder why I'm in therapy.

Holding you up in prayer!

Unknown said...

I really appreciate this post. Your honesty is making a huge impression on me this week! Have a great Friday. (o)

Linda said...

What a relief that must be for you. I'm glad it's over.

Theresa Coleman said...

Me too.
These are the hard things that HAVE to be done -- I just am too much of a pastor to want to do them.

Mary Beth said...

Blessings, Iris.