Sunday, June 24, 2007

Update and a Prayer Request

My colleague was very supportive and kind when I told her I was resigning. I haven't told anyone else because she is calling a special Session meeting on Tuesday night. They don't know the reason for the called meeting, so I'm sure that they are confused and little ticked they have to come in.

Not looking forward to it.

Okay, I have a much more important issue to discuss. I ask for prayers for an 19 year old young woman in our church who is right now in a chemically induced coma in the ICU. On Friday night, she and some friends were goofing off and racing shopping carts in the parking lot of a mall. She toppled out of the cart head over heels and landed on her head. She had emergency surgery to remove a blood clot the size of a fist.

Her prognosis is unknown, but she does have youth on her side. The girl was a straight A student and was looking forward to her first year of college where she was going to study Engineering. She had just returned from a year studying in the Philippines. I am heartsick for her and her family. Her younger sister is a very active member of our youth group and is one of the most spiritually sensitive people, youth or otherwise, that I have ever met.

Please pray with me.


more cows than people said...

Iris, I'm about to do my prayerful stretching for the night- I don't feel like doing it, but in honor of this young girl I will. I'll lift her up.

You too... I'm glad that telling your colleague went well. May the session be as gracious.

Anonymous said...

Praying with you.

revhipchick said...

praying with you as well.

love and blessings.

Unknown said...

I'll pray, too. Having been through the hastily called Council meeting not all that long ago myself, I know something of how you feel.

jo(e) said...

Praying ....

Hot Cup Lutheran said...

oh man - oh man - oh man
prayers you ask? consider it done!

Cathy said...

Praying, Iris, for you, and all involved with the young girl. :(

revhipchick said...

has there been any improvement?

still praying.