Monday, June 30, 2008

Getting Into the Boat

Yesterday doubt and fear was foremost in my mind as I considered what is ahead for the PC(USA.) Much of this fear is coming from a feeling of being very exposed. When I was still serving in a More Light congregation as an Associate, it was a lot easier to trust that when change was on the way there would be a strong support system in place as we navigated these changes together.

Now, I am serving as an interim in a rural congregation which, like many congregations, is divided theologically and politically. I had to throw out yesterday morning's lesson in my adult class because all they wanted to talk about was what happened at G.A.. This turned into a heated debate, which I had to moderate. I am sure that the same thing happened in church school classess all over the denomination.

I am also feeling exposed as the Moderator of our Presbytery's Committee on Preparation for Ministry. By and large, I do not have a friendly committee to LGBT folks. So, it will be interesting as we implement G.A.'s direction to not lift up G-6.106b as a "superstandard." Thankfully, G.A.'s actions give me a firm place on which to stand.

As I have been praying and thinking today, the words of our newly elected Stated Clerk, Gradye Parsons, have been ringing in my ears: "Get in the boat. Go across the lake. There will be a storm. You will not die."

So, I'm in the boat. Really, I am. The Spirit is blowing!

Thank you, Jesus.


Unknown said...

I hope you will find all the support you need in this time of "travel."

more cows than people said...

was there love in the debate?

i know you were loving them, were they loving one another.

wasn't that a fabulous line? yes, let's all recite it together.

one day at a time, we keep on rowing.

revhipchick said...

you are a brave woman. you're in my prayers.

it sounds like the new man will be a terrific help with the changes.


Rev SS said...

praying for you ... and all my sister Presbyterians in leadership positions at this time. Daring to hope, but not holding my breath ...

Di said...

Praying for you, Iris.

Hot Cup Lutheran said...

you are right i think most denominations are facing the same "storm"... some will get in that boat. some will build new houses of worship on the shore. some will try to make the boat sink. what matters is that God is with every single one of those...

take it easy on yourself!

Grace thing said...

I love that quote about getting in the boat. And it makes me think of a title of a book I read, "If you want to walk on water, you have to get OUT of the boat." Yikes. And walk toward Jesus, not focusing on the storm that is swirling around. Easier said than done. You write so thoughtfully...I am with you.